• Worm Inn Hanging Wormery

Worm Inn Hanging Wormery


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This fabric wormery allows exceptional breathability, ensuring compost is drier and crumblier than from many other wormeries. Tapered design allows top feeding (18×18 inch topside dimensions) and compost to be harvested from bottom by opening. Liquid fertiliser may also be harvested by placing a collecting container underneath.

How it works:

  • Hang the Worm Inn from a stand or shelf, using cable ties or cords tied to the loops on the upper four corners.
  • This wormery is best suited for indoor use, e.g. a shed.
  • Add moist bedding and worms.
  • Feed the wormery regular, small amounts of food (fruit and veg waste) and add more moist bedding such as wet sawdust, paper, and cardboard.
  • As this wormery is very breathable, it should be watered regularly so it doesn’t dry out.
  • Keep the zip top closed against fruit flies.
  • The worms keep moving upwards towards the fresh food and bedding.
  • Compost can be harvested by opening the draw strings underneath and pulling out the finished compost.. Keep removing compost until the material being taken out contains noticeable amounts of worms or unfinished material.

Additional information

Weight 0.75 kg


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